| Cunninghamia R. Brown 1826Common NamesChina fir, KOYO-ZAN ZOKU (Japanese) (2).Taxonomic notesDescriptionTall trees of broad pyramidal habit, the bark brownish, scaling off in irregular plates and exposing the reddish inner bark, the branches whorled, spreading, pendulous at the ends. Leaves rigid, densely and spirally arranged, but spreading in 2 ranks, flat, linear-lanceolate, serrulate, the base decurrent. Male cones cylindric-oblong, in small terminal clusters. Female cones globose, 1-3 at the ends of the branches. Mature cones ovoid, the many scales coriaceous, broad-ovate, aristate, irregularly serrate, persistent, each with 3 narrow-winged seeds. Cotyledons 2 (1,2).RangeChina, Japan and Taiwan.Big TreeOldestDendrochronologyEthnobotanyObservationsRemarksNamed for James Cunningham, who discovered C. lanceolata in China in 1702 (2).Citations(1) Li 1975.(2) Walker 1976. | |
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