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Line drawing (2).
Pinus massoniana Lambert 1803

Common Names

Horsetail pine; Chinese red pine (3).

Taxonomic notes

One variety, henryi.


A tree, up to 18 m high, 80 cm in diameter, the trunk crooked, forming an irregular, usually broad head. Bark grayish red to red brown, longitudinally and deeply fissured or cracked, furrows up to 4 cm. in depth, 3-4 cm. in width, ridges flat-topped, sometimes transversely fissured into flat plates, 3-5 cm. wide, exfoliating in spline-shaped flakes; lenticels inconspicuous; outer bark up to 5 cm. thick, hard and brittle, ligneous, with a reddish brown tiered cross section; newly formed periderm yellowish brown; inner bark 3-5 cm thick, finely fibrous, pale red, secreting transparent resin after cutting, cambium and newly formed phloem colorless, somewhat transparent. Leaves 2(3) in a fascicle, semicircular in cross section, 12-20 cm long, slender, pale green, semicircular in cross section, with 2 vascular bundles and 5-9 marginal resin ducts. Mature cones ovoid to conic-ovoid, 5-7 cm long, brown, umbo dorsal, stalk about 3 mm long. Seeds winged, about 2 cm long including the wing. Freshly cut sapwood pale yellowish white to pale orange red, wood rays inconspicuous (2, 3).


SE China (1); Taiwan: mostly in the northern part, also along the eastern coastal hills (3).

Big Tree







(1) Silba 1986.
(2) Li 1975.
(2) Liu 1970.

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This page is from the Gymnosperm Database
URL: http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/2285/pi/pin/massoniana.htm
Edited by Christopher J. Earle
Last modified on 19-Dec-98