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range map
Range of Abies nebrodensis (3).
Abies nebrodensis (Locaj.-Poj.) Mattei 1908

Common Names

Silician fir (1), abete dei nebrodi (Italian).

Taxonomic notes

Syn: A. pectinata Gilib. var. nebrodensis Lojac.; A. alba Mill. var. nebrodensis (Lojac.) Svoboda; A. alba Mill. subsp. nebrodensis (Lojac.) Nitz.; A. pectinata Guss. non Gilib. (4).


"A tree 8-15 m. tall, to 1 m. in girth, with a broad rounded or somewhat flattened crown. Bark shallowly fissured and flaky, orange. Branchlets gray-green to yellowish, grooved, rarely with brown pubescence. Buds ovoid-conical, smooth, sometimes slightly resinous, pale reddish-brown, 7-9 mm. in diameter. Leaves nearly 2-ranked, spreading horizontally, non-pectinate, linear, rigid, grooved above, dark shiny green above, glaucous below; stomata rarely present above, in 9-12 lines below; 1.2-2 cm. long by 2-2.5 mm. wide, apex rounded or notched. Male strobili with pollen grains 85 microns in diameter. Female cone cylindrical, rounded at the apex, relatively stout, dark brown, 13-20 cm. long by 4 cm. wide; scales finely pubescent at the margins; bracts exserted and reflexed. Seed to 7 mm. long" (1).


"Italy: Sicily: Polizzo, Monte Cervo, 1400-2000m, very rare" (1); or, Monti Nebrodi, Monte Scalane and Polizzi Generosa (4).

Big Tree






Listed as endangered on the 1996 IUCN Red List (available at various places online; use your search engine).


(1) Silba 1986.
(2) Vidakovic 1991.
(3) Atlas Florae Europaeae 1998.
(4) Farjon 1998.

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This page is from the Gymnosperm Database
URL: http://www.geocities.com/~earlecj/pi/ab/nebrodensis.htm
Edited by Christopher J. Earle
Last modified on 17-May-1999