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Libocedrus plumosa (D. Don) Sargent.

Common Names

Kawaka (2).

Taxonomic notes

Syn: Dacrydium plumosum D. Don; Libocedrus doniana (Hooker) Endlicher; Thuja doniana Hooker (2).


"A tree [18-31 m] high and [58-116 cm dbh]. ... Branchlets flattened, distichous, fern-like in the regularity of their parallel pinnate divisions. Juvenile leaves very unequal, the lateral leaves up to about [5 mm] long, the facial leaves about [0.8 mm] long. Adult leaves less unequal, the lateral leaves about [2.8-3.2 mm] long, overlapping and appressed more closely than the juvenile leaves; facial leaves about [1.25 mm] long, triangular. Male strobili [5-8 mm] long, with 8 - 12 sporophylls. Cones ovoid, [10-15 mm] long, the 4 scales each with a curved, projecting dorsal mucro. Seeds 2, 1 to each fertile scale" (2).


New Zealand: NW N Is to Westhaven, S Is (1): from lat. 35°S to beyond lat. 38°S (2).

Big Tree




"Wood fine-grained, often beautifully marked, dark red in colour, durable, easily worked, suitable for furniture as well as general building work, but too scarce to be of much commercial value" (2).



See also Paleobotany of Australia and New Zealand conifers.


(1) Silba 1986.
(2) Dallimore & Jackson 1967.

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This page is from the Gymnosperm Database
URL: http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/2285/cu/li/plumosa.htm
Edited by Christopher J. Earle
Last modified on 21-Dec-98