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Range of Agathis orbicula (1). Adapted from a map by
Microsoft Expedia Maps
Agathis orbicula de Laubenfels 1979

Common Names

Tumuh [Murut]; tubu [Kenyah]; bulok [Iban] (2); Sarawak kauri (1).

Taxonomic notes


Tree: Heights to 40 m (1).
Bark: Dark brown, exfoliating in irregular plates, with few scattered lenticels; internally granular and reddish-brown; sap produces a yellowish resin (1).
Leaves: Oval to circular, obtuse or bluntly acute, closely set, glaucous beneath, 2.4-3.6 × 1.2-2.4 cm, on a short peduncle. Juvenile leaves round, acute, to 6.5 × 2.8 cm, also on a short peduncle (1).
Cones: Oval when young, mature dimensions to 7 × 4.5 cm (1).
Cone scales: Upper edges of scales imbricate, later elliptic (1).
Pollen cones: Ovate or cylindrical, 9-14 × 4-6 mm, on a 2-3 mm long peduncle. Scale apices rounded; exposed parts of microsporophylls 'humpy' (1).


Borneo: Sabah, Ulu Moyah; Sarawak: Bumbong Rumah, at 450-1050 m (1). Scattered in rainforest and kerangas on low mountains and plateaus (2).

Big Tree






This species is listed as "VU B1+2c" (vulnerable; population is localised, fragmented and declining ) by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre - Trees database, which adds: "Ranging from southern Sabah to central Sarawak, this tree is found scattered in relatively few locations in rainforests and kerangas on low mountains and plateaux. Levels of timber exploitation and the effects on populations are little known but are likely to be considerable." The species is Mt. Murud population is probably, critically endangered; the WCMC notes "The unprotected and the area is under considerable pressure for development" (3).


(1) Silba 1986.
(2) Laubenfels 1988.
(3) The World Conservation Monitoring Centre - Trees database, accessed 1-Oct-1998 [listed as a population of A. kinabaluensis].

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This page is from the Gymnosperm Database
URL: http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/2285/ar/au/orbicula.htm
Edited by Christopher J. Earle
Last modified on 29-Jan-1999