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 Agathis flavescens

Common Names

Malesian kauri (1), Tahan agathis (2).

Taxonomic notes

Syn: A. dammara var. flavescens (1).


Tree. Bark fragile, green or brown, with numerous pustules. Branchlets yellowish. Leaves yellow-green, elliptic-obovate, obtuse, 38-63 mm long, 12-25 mm wide, glaucous below, with a short petiole. Male cones cylindrical, on a peduncle to 15 mm long, 25 to 38 mm long, 13 mm wide, base subtended by 2 large bracts, surface of cone loose. Female cone globose, 63 mm long by 45 mm wide, purplish, maturing in 2 years; scales 32 mm long by 25 mm wide. Seeds ellipsoid, 13 mm long by 6 mm wide, wing to 12 mm long on one side (1).


Malaysia: N Malaya, Gunung Tahan and G. Rabong, common on mountainsides at 900-2050 m, especially in the Upper Teku Valley (1, 2).

Big Tree

Commonly 12 m tall, 1 m in girth (1).





The tree is a forest dominant on ridgetops in the Taman Negara National Park (3), which may be an excellent place to find it.


This species is listed as "VU D2" (vulnerable, known from fewer than five localities) on the World Conservation Monitoring Centre - Trees database, which adds: "Less than 10,000 individuals are likely to exist in three separate populations, occurring in moist montane forest. Individuals frequently display yellowing leaves suggestive of poor nutrient conditions. The species can be found in protected forests under the Permanent Forest Estate."


(1) Silba 1986.
(2) P.764 in Corner 1988.
(3) World Conservation Monitoring Centre: Taman Negara National Park.

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This page is from the Gymnosperm Database
URL: http://www.geocities.com/~earlecj/ar/ag/flavescens.htm
Edited by Christopher J. Earle
Last modified on 27-Feb-1999