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last change: 11/25/2005 00:19:54

Influence of Different Parameters on The Efficiency of The CO2-Uptake - C3- and a C4-Plant

According to O. BJÖRKMANN and J. BERRY, 1973

A phylogenetic scheme of several Atriplex species with C3 or C4 photosynthesis. The shown degree of relation is based on hybridization kinetics of non-repetitive DNA. According to the data can the C3 species be grouped together just as the related C4 species. Closely related species can be crossed (x), one C3 species can even be crossed with one of the C4 species. This hybridization is not singular, it has also been successfully done with other C3 and C4 species of Atriplex that are not depicted in the scheme because their degree of relation had not been determined by DNA analyses (H. S. BELFORD et al., 1981).

© Peter v. Sengbusch - b-online@botanik.uni-hamburg.de